Finding a Christmas Tree in Arizona.

November 27th 2017 Because we really like to drive a lot... ok because we really like family traditions... we d...

November 27th 2017

Because we really like to drive a lot... ok because we really like family traditions... we drove probably 8 hours up to and around the Rio Tonto National Forest looking for a live Christmas tree to cut down. Said forest is outside of Mesa and I never knew it existed. The scenery is gorgeous though as it transitions from cactus and rocks to evergreens.

Adleigh was pretty sure we were done when we found this tree the moment we stepped out of the truck.

See that big hill? For some reason we decided to drive down it, park at least 500 yards away from it and then walk all the way back up it to look for the tree. 

The hill was a lot steeper than it looked.

Adleigh collected about a million rocks in her shirt as we were walking.

We head off to find one we spot up on the other side of the hill.

Austin is pretty sure we are insane to think we could find a tree in this area.

And then Breydon face planted going down into the ravine... I was definitely not meaning to snap a picture of him eating rock but I was just luckily I guess. 

There were some crazy trees that should have been in some of Dr. Suess's books. I thought we should use one of them as a Christmas tree.

Adleigh found more trees, perfect for her and Breydon!

Breydon wanted a picture with the trees too, but then refused to look at me in the picture.

These bushes had some very razor like leaves. Luckily Grandpa came to the rescue and carried both kids through them.

The final, precarious climb to get to the tree.

It is a miracle, we found it! The kids were so excited they forgot to look at the camera for the picture.

Everyone had to assist in cutting it down.


Thank goodness for Daddies who are strong enough to carry a tree and a child.

Making our way back out of the ravine!

We survived! No one was eaten by a wolf despite Adleigh's fears.

The group photo! lol. We did take one but I managed to lose it in transitioning from my old computer to my new computer.

The start of a gorgeous sunset, we are not in Wyoming anymore!

Edit! Found some better ones from my dad!

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  1. I forgot about the big hill. What were we thinking :D

  2. I forgot about those nasty razor bushes:( Protecting the trees?



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