Cousin Sam's Farewell

October 30th 2016 My 2nd to youngest cousin Sam is now Elder Mikesell and serving a 2 year mission in Atlanta, Georgia. We left Pocate...

October 30th 2016

My 2nd to youngest cousin Sam is now Elder Mikesell and serving a 2 year mission in Atlanta, Georgia. We left Pocatello and drove to Cache Valley to go listen to his farewell talk.

Aunt Bubba drove down for Rexburg and my kids were in heaven.

Adleigh was very attached to her Great Aunt Pam and had fun throwing leaves in the water with her.

Breydon joined in on the fun.

My kids were the only two children at the Farewell party and got a little bored. Luckily they are very good at finding ways to entertain themselves.

On the way to my grandparents house we drove by the house that my Dad built for us when I was little. Definitely my favorite house we ever lived in. Adleigh was excited to see the place I lived when I was a "tiny baby".

Then we went and picked out the steer that will be filling our freezer. Not my favorite thing to do but it is nice to know we are eating a cow who lived a fairly good life rather than one from a slaughter yard.

Saying goodbye to Great Grandpa Scott.

I'm sure glad we live fairly close for my kids to get to know them!

Saying goodbye to Great Grandma Dance who hates her pictures taken so I had to be sneaky!

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  1. Wow, a picture of Grandma Danice and Aunt Bubba. That's impressive!



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