Breydon One Week Old

May 15th 2015 I documented Adleigh growing by taking pictures of her on her quilt from Grandma. So I obviously had to do that for Br...

May 15th 2015

I documented Adleigh growing by taking pictures of her on her quilt from Grandma. So I obviously had to do that for Breydon as well. So here is tiny Breydon at one week old! His feet look massive though!

However in looking at Adleigh's photos I decided it was hard to see how much she was growing size wise. So I decided to take pictures with Breydon's puppy from his Weirich Grandparents to help gauge his size. 

I decided to try and take his newborn pictures myself since I now have a super fancy camera thanks to my hubby! Adleigh was really helpful and wanted to get in on the action... yes she is naked in this picture. Baby brother was naked so obviously she had to be too! 

I decided I was going to try and have Breydon take a bottle of pumped milk once a day so that I could get him used to a bottle and not always have to nurse in public. Yeah... Breydon was not a fan! He just chokes and gets really angry. But Adleigh was great at taking her bottle of cow milk. :-)

Daddy is really good at taking naps with Breydon.

Poor Breydon got lots and lots of love from his sister that week. 

First bath! Yes that is a stream of pee coming out from the strategically placed wash cloth! Adleigh was very surprised and talked about him peeing in the bath for quite a few days. 

Breydon was not a fan of his first bath.

Breydon's first bath was a family affair! 

Reading to my babies! Breydon is going to get read to a lot if his sister has anything to say about it.

Breydon's first time on a 4-Wheeler. We are very adventurous! Ok he only rode on it for about 500 feet but I'm sure he loved it!

Breydon was a little bit jaundiced so I had him do a few quick "tanning" sessions. Mostly I was feeling guilty because we walked out of his post hospital pediatrician visit. We were in the waiting room for 90 minutes and still hadn't been called back. So we walked out and found a new one that couldn't see us until the next week. I was super paranoid that he was too jaundiced and would end up with problems since we didn't take him to the doctor... he ended up being just fine. LOL.

So now for a little bit about Mr. Breydon at One Week Old. 
He eats about every 3 hours even at night. 
He can sleep peacefully through any noise. 
He prefers to be held all the time but is pretty good when he is in his Rock n Play. 
Does not like to be cold and hates diaper changes; probably because he is cold. 
Somehow he manages to pee on us almost every diaper change. 
Swaddling is not something that he really cares about so we don't do it. I don't want to have to worry about transitioning him to sleeping without a swaddle when he is older. 
Will take a binky to tide him over until I can feed him but doesn't want it other than that. 
Gets hiccups all the time!
Makes a caveman face when he is concentrating.
Generally will open just one eye to look at you.
Has lots of very cute baby "smiles" in his sleep.

Crazy that this is my new view in the back of my car! Also, clearly I have another child that hates the car seat, wahoo! 

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