Beaucoup de Photos

She has developed a purse obsession.  Telling the boys how to build the chicken coup! Watching all the guys at work lay a cement pad. She fo...

She has developed a purse obsession. 

Telling the boys how to build the chicken coup!

Watching all the guys at work lay a cement pad. She found the bucket of water and cooled herself off :-)

We have been trying to go to the Splash Pad more but all she really cares about is climbing on stuff and the swings.

We bought her a little pool for a backyard. All three of us enjoy it, haha.

She turned herself this way and then got mad when she got stuck.

This is why you never give your baby pudding: even when they beg for it. And it got much worse after this!

Adleigh has learned to talk on the phone. I don't even talk on the phone that much... But any flat thing like a remote becomes a phone.

In her Easter basket she had some suckers. I don't think I will give her another sucker for a long time! She left the room and when she came back that sucker was covered in fuzz, dog hair, you name it... Yuck! 

Little Linus baby. She never takes her blanket anywhere but this day she was walking everywhere with it.

Stuffed animals are a big deal around here. In the morning when she gets up she goes to her stuffed animal pile and grabs 2 or 3. We also keep some in the car that she must have when she gets in the car.

One Sunday the nursery leader was gone and didn't have a sub, a friend who has a kid in there took over and she came and got us. So Adleigh got to enjoy nursery a bit early. 18 months is soo far away!

It was raining and I caught some of the water in a cup to water my plant on the deck. Adleigh grabbed a cup and tried to fill hers up as well. So cute!

Chasing chickens... We do this every day.

An Adleigh sized Otter Pop!

Daddy reading to Adleigh. She LOVES books! And Daddy reads in fun voices :-)

At the end of our mommy and me swim lesson. She was still mad at me for letting her go all the way underwater... But she did great and didn't choke on the water!

She was very entranced by Daddy's face; this went on for quite a while.

Shh! We are ALIENS!

Adleigh had her first experience being babysat by a non family member. I think she enjoyed it! Then we came over and watched a movie with them and Adleigh crashed on the couch.

If she could wander outside the work yard all day; she totally would. She always gets mad when I take her back into the office.

Poor sick girl had the stomach bug for about 24 hours. Neither mommy nor baby got much sleep!

Helping to mow our sad sad sad grass. We are trying to get the grass behind the brick wall to die yet it is doing awesome and the stuff we want to live is dying... 

Well that's all folks! 😊

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  1. And now I'm here to see her and all the chickens and friends !!!



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