September Randoms

Adleigh's hair finally fits into one ponytail!  I had a wonderful receding hairline and some major thining thanks to post pr...

Adleigh's hair finally fits into one ponytail!

 I had a wonderful receding hairline and some major thining thanks to post pregancy hormones. I chopped it as short as Brian would let me! 

 Breydon decided sucking his thumb is awesome.

 Adleigh was trying to help Breydon eat! 

 We substituted the binky for the thumb!

Breydon O'Neil Weirich meets Brigham Oliver Weirich

4 kiddos in the front seat. We were driving really slowly looking at animals on our friend's ranch.

Seeing the baby pigs on our friend's ranch.

One time we all got the stomach flu and it was wonderful... not! I got it first so was recovered enough to take this picture and not join the napping party.

Hiding in the step down outside of the 5th wheel.

We had to buy Adleigh her own binky because she kept stealing Breydon's.

Breydon loved baths in the 5th wheel shower because he was obsessed with the shower head.

Doing laundry at the RV park was always an adventure. The laundry area was only about 200 meters away so I felt dumb driving over there but it was hard to get two kids and two laundry baskets over there.

Breydon enjoyed all the mirrors in the 5th wheel.

Adleigh enjoyed pushing Breydon around at the Clowards. I need to get one of those!

I wanted a picture of Adleigh and Breydon in their Halloween jammies but Adleigh was refusing. So Brian and I started taking pictures with Breydon, Adleigh got jealous and finally joined us.

Two cute pumpkins!

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  1. Back when Breydon was a chubster! Come visit us in AZ, we have a car like Clowards you can have :)



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