Christmas Day

Our stockings were hung by the chimney with care. Adleigh wouldn't touch them until they were a safe distance away from the ...

Our stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

Adleigh wouldn't touch them until they were a safe distance away from the fire. Smart girl.

Examining her loot.

She insisted on getting everything out herself. 

Her presents from her Mikesell Grandparents, Aunt Bubba and us.

What more could a girl ask for?

Loves her Daddy!

I tried hard to get a smiling picture from her... this is the best I got.

The tree needed some more feminine touches to it. So it was covered in bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings and purses.

Adleigh and her Mamaw blanket and bouncing cow from the Mikesell Grandparents.

With cousin Avery (Kevin's daughter). I wanted to see how she would do with me holding another baby; she didn't care one bit! Now when her cousin Konner (Kevin's son, 3 months younger than her) sat on my lap to read a book: she flipped out! 

Adleigh, Konner and Kenley (Josh's daughter) with their delicious Christmas breakfast. Weirich french toast, homemade syrup and farm raised bacon. Yum! 

Adleigh and Kenley. They are our 2013 girls since the other 3 born in 2013 are boys. 

Konner, Kenley and Adleigh and the coveted baby chairs. Funny thing is Adleigh is the oldest... sure doesn't look like it!

We also decorated some pre-made cookies. Yup that is how lazy we are on Christmas Day. :-) Adleigh only liked eating the sprinkle balls.

We finished the night in the Weirich tradition: playing lots of games.

Thanks to our laziness we made our Christmas log cabins the next day. After my disaster shack last year I was really excited to win the prettiest one this year! 

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  1. Frosting premade cookies sounds great to me especially with little ones that only care about the frosting and sprinkles ;)



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