4th of July

After spending a wonder night at the hotel we ate the free breakfast and then went shopping! Adleigh is fascinated with chairs right...

After spending a wonder night at the hotel we ate the free breakfast and then went shopping!
Adleigh is fascinated with chairs right now so we bought her a baby camping chair... Not the pink one though. We must plan ahead in case we have a boy... haha.

After lots of shopping we headed to Jamba Juice! Our favorite big city treat. Adleigh was stripped of her white shirt privileges. 

She was soo excited when she got her very own drink!

But she was still very good at sharing her drink with everyone.

Obviously someone is the center of attention... She kept getting brain freezes but they just made her giggle.

She got tired of being inside and kept pointing to the outside. 

Then she brought us every magazine by the door; one by one.

So we finally let her go outside.

Next we headed to meet Marah and drop Mom and Beth off. Adleigh was very spoiled and had two people to entertain her in the back. She also got a new book from Grandma.

Waiting for Marah and Koford family to get out of their movie. This is Adleigh begging for Grandma's phone.

Festive group photo

Giving Grandma goodbye kisses. She is very good at kisses.

And the meltdown once she realized everyone was leaving. Heartbreaking isn't it?

Eventually she calmed down; we picked the dogs up and made the long drive to Fredericksburg.

And then I sucked and only took one photo the rest of the night. We drove out to the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds to watch the fireworks. They were nothing like Kaboom town but still enjoyable. We parked in a great spot and were able to escape fast enough to avoid the traffic pile up. Then we went home and Adleigh passed out. The rest of us shot off some nice at home fireworks and played with sparklers.

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