Trip to the Reid Park Zoo

December 12th 2017 Reid Park Zoo is Tucson's little zoo. It is the perfect size for little kids. We drove out there and met Jon...

December 12th 2017

Reid Park Zoo is Tucson's little zoo. It is the perfect size for little kids. We drove out there and met Jon's Sister-in-law and her kids for an extended family party! I am very thankful that my parents are awesome about including everyone.
The crew! Well minus the babies.

The huge tortises that have been there since I was a little girl.

Adleigh the tortise.

We spent a lot of time here jumping off this ledge. Super exciting.

The flamingos.

Adleigh and Aaron on the baby elephant. 

Seeing if they could weigh as much as an elephant!

The zebra.

The giraffe. We missed the feeding time which was disappointing.

These meerkats were very entertaining.

The tiger was very active for us!

And they had to ride on the carousel. Grandma Cathy spoils them!

Then we went and ate lunch at the park. We totally did not feed the birds because that is illegal.

Eating lunch while sneaking food to the birds.

On the drive home we had to go see the finished Tucson temple.

Then my sister and I went shopping at Ross. This may or may not be a dog bed in the changing room.

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  1. Hopefully we didn't kill any ducks with our bread :/ Dog beds look pretty comfy especially before a dog owns them.



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