Family Hike to Catalina State Park

December 5th 2017 I never really explored Catalina State Park despite living in Tucson for almost 8 years as a child. It is a gorgeous...

December 5th 2017

I never really explored Catalina State Park despite living in Tucson for almost 8 years as a child. It is a gorgeous place and I wish I had spent more time there.  

First thing was walked passed was a large wash (dry river bed) full of sand. Pretty sure my kids could have stayed there all day and been totally happy.

So much fun in the sand!

These two were the hardest to drag away. You want us to walk??? We have tiny legs!

Group photo. We are very photogenic.

Attempt number 2. At Seth's wedding we are going to make a very large display of all his ugly faces through the year. In fact I may just make ugly faces in all his wedding photos that I partake in as well. Haha.

Some of the grandkids with Adleigh having a fit about something... I can't remember. Thus why you should blog within a year of things happening...

Lost cranky Adleigh and added a Breydon.

Made it to the scenic overlook! 

Grandma with her favorite grandchild 😂

Adleigh LOVES Catherine.

My family... oh wait... I have adopted an extra redhead.

My family... Adleigh wishes Catherine was her sister.

My family being super cooperative for pictures.

Breydon fell and got hurt and then was too tired the rest of the hike. I tried carrying him and Austin for a while but I'm not wonder woman.

Aunt Megan saves the day! Elise wasn't happy about it. The men and the older kids ditched us being we were so slow but the two toddlers were definitely done hiking. 

He may have fallen asleep on her. Thanks Aunt Megan!

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