Breydon's Hospital Stay

Breydon's hospital stay was, thankfully, only 3 days and 2 nights! I was worried that Doctor Cook wouldn't want to have to come ...

Breydon's hospital stay was, thankfully, only 3 days and 2 nights! I was worried that Doctor Cook wouldn't want to have to come in and discharge me on a Sunday but he did. With Adleigh I could have stayed a few days longer because I felt so crappy but with Breydon I felt awesome! Having to deal with hospital staff coming in every hour all night was not awesome. Plus our hospital has a strict no babies sleeping with parents rule. Personally I love naps with a newborn on my chest so I was always half awake worried they would come in and yell at me. :-)

Anyways we were lucky to have lots of people there the day that Breydon was born!

Breydon got to meet his Mamaw!

And he got to meet his Grandma!

His Aunt Bubba was also there to meet him.

And the standard Papaw picture :-)

Adleigh told us that her baby brother was going to come and give her fishies. So of course she got to open a present from him that had her fish. Spoiled girl!

She also was wearing her "I'm the Big Sister" shirt and got a big sister teddy bear.

Learning how to share with baby brother

Cuddles with Mom!

Grandma learning that boys are much harder to change than girls. He peed all over himself, his clothing, and two blankets!

Daddy trying to remember how to swaddle. Luckily neither of our kids really care about being swaddled. Probably because my tummy gets so large they have plenty of room to stretch out.

Contemplating his name and a heart melting picture! It took us much less time to decide his name: Brian wanted Breydon O'Neil and I wanted Brian O'Neil. I almost had him swayed to my side but we couldn't find a nickname that we liked to distinguish him from his daddy. So Breydon won! Which we had picked out Breydon O'Neil before we even had Adleigh but I was hesitant because I didn't like the way most people spell it: Brayden or Braden. So we compromised Brian won the name but I got to pick the spelling!

A very tired Daddy with his son; not napping together dumb rules. :-D

Adleigh asked to hold him any chance she got! She was a very proud big sister.

Sucking his fingers just like Daddy did! Also can you believe those awesome sideburns? 

We had a lot more visitors come see us this time which was fun! Hospitals are very boring. In this picture is Breydon's Uncle Stephen, Aunt Marah and Russell. Russell is the closest cousin to Breydon on the Mikesell side. Other visitors we had were Callee Cloward, Laura, Elaina, Audrey & Levi Herrin, Phil & Terry Williams, Kyleen & Maci Cheek, and Callee came back with the rest of her family.

Adleigh was super excited about all the cool stuff we were sent and was pretty sure it all belonged to her. Luckily Breydon didn't mind sharing his presents.

And some more baby nap time! I got away with this nap by claiming I was doing skin to skin and fell asleep. 

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  1. LOVE the Breydon/Brian picture :)
    I think you and your sisters have all gotten in trouble for sleeping with baby, but that's where baby wants to sleep!



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