Adleigh's 2nd Birthday

We drove out to Fredericksburg for Adleigh's birthday. Brian's dad set it up with a client for the whole family to go fishing on...

We drove out to Fredericksburg for Adleigh's birthday. Brian's dad set it up with a client for the whole family to go fishing on his property.

The fishing crew.

Adleigh and her first fish of the day. It was huge! 

Adleigh and Ian: 3 weeks apart and either love each other or hate each other.

Adleigh relaxing with MaMaw.

Decided to be afraid of the fish, silly girl.

Every girl needs an oversized hat for fishing!

Brian and the pretty view we had fishing.

Oh look... I was there too! In all my swollen glory from traveling.

The cute birthday girl!

I finally decided to fish a little (and soak my fat feet in the cold water). I also caught a large fish! ;-)

For dinner we had a little BBQ and fed everyone Adleigh's favorite foods. Hot dogs, pickles and pineapple.

Teaching Adlegh to show people she is two.

The birthday girl and her large piggy cake.

Happy Birthday song.

She sang the song to herself. :-)

She is an expert candle blower now!

And she clapped for herself as well. Silly girl!

Opening her presents. She loves her pink tractor! 

And she got a pink truck and trailer from MaMaw and PaPaw. She was a happy camper!

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  1. Fishing plus a pink tractor and truck sounds like a perfect Adleigh day



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