The Liebster Award

So my friend Kristen over at The Foster's Blog  nominated our blog for the Liebster Award. Kristen is a fellow 880 BYU Track Wife. Her h...

So my friend Kristen over at The Foster's Blog nominated our blog for the Liebster Award. Kristen is a fellow 880 BYU Track Wife. Her hubby Drew ran the 800 meters with Brian. Sadly they live in St. Louis and we live in Texas so we haven't got to see them in a while. But we love reading their blog about their 3 darling girls (they had twins!) and their many other adventures.

So anyways... For those of you who have never heard of the Liebster Award, it’s a fun way for small bloggers to give recognition to other small bloggers (with 200 followers or less) for the contributions they make to the blogosphere.

Here are the rules:
1) Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2) Post 11 facts about yourself, answering the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.
3) Nominate 11 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
4) Display the Liebster Award logo.
5) No tag backs meaning you can’t just re nominate the person who nominated you.

1.) What is something quirky about you?

I can't get dressed if I'm wet/damp at all. I can't stand the feeling of pulling on clothes when I'm not completely dry. This is why I don't enjoy showering at other people's houses. I HATE getting dressed in the bathroom because the air is still humid from the shower but I feel bad walking to my room in my towel. 

2.) Where is your favorite place to shop?

I don't really have a specific place I go when I want clothing... generally right now it's Ross since we are trying to save money. But I did just discover Nordstrom's Rack! If I didn't feel guilty spending money on clothing I would buy most everything from there.

3.) Where would your ideal place to live be?

I would create a perfect place where I could live in the mountains but it wouldn't snow very often :-). Sadly that place doesn't exist so I guess I would pick somewhere around the Cedar City area. It is close enough to the mountains but also close to Zion's. I could also easily escape to St. George to get away from the snow. I would also want to house to be far enough away from any neighbors that I could walk outside in my undies and no one would see me!

4.) What is a pet peeve of yours?

People who take tons of "selfie" pictures! I know some people who post like one a day of just their face... I'm just like "Great! You look just the same as you did yesterday except this time you are doing the duck face instead of the pouty face. How interesting..."

5.) What's the first thing you want to do during the kids nap time or just when you have time to yourself?

Probably take a bath... I'm a bath-a-holic! My last few weeks of pregnancy I took a bath pretty much everyday because 1) It made me feel better and 2) I wasn't sure if I would be able to take them much once Adleigh was born.

6.) What junk food makes you the happiest?

I love the Nerd Ropes! I eat them very weird as well so they last me a long time. I take off the nerds from the gummy stuff about an inch at a time. I'll eat all the nerds then the rope part and repeat this all the way down.

7.) If you could choose any career (besides motherhood) what would it be?

There are many different careers that I think I would have enjoyed. But I guess a really cool one would be a big animal trainer. You know... train tigers, lions, bears, (oh my!) elephants, maybe a hippo... 

8.) Who inspires you?

I don't really have one specific person that inspires me but a whole group of people. Like take Kristen for example; she had twins a year ago and is in AMAZING shape. So she inspires me to work out more cuz if anyone has a good excuse not to work out it would be her. Or Nicole, who takes her baby Tate on so many cool hiking adventures. She inspires me to take my baby out of the home and to cool places that most people would never take a baby. 

9.) What's your favorite movie?

I don't have a favorite movie because I pretty much only watch movies once and then I'm fine with never seeing it again. I'd guess I would have to say Finding Nemo since I can watch it frequently and still enjoy it.

10.) What are you best at?

Does spoiling my daughter count? Haha. The sad thing is that I think I am best at being a student. I loved college and I loved most of my classes and I loved being one of the smart ones. If I had enough money I would totally go back to school and just take tons of classes in areas I'm interested in. 

11.) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Brian and I currently have a 10 year plan that involves us finally moving back to the mountains and owning our own slice of heaven up around Montana. I hope we are done having kids so that we can have them all kicked out of the house before we get too old. And I hope we live closer to both sides of our family than we do now.

Here are my questions:
1) What is your favorite state and why is it your favorite?
2) What is something that really grosses you out?
3) What other time period would you have wanted to live in?
4) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
5) If you could travel anywhere; where would you go?
6) As a child, what was your career goal?
7) What is your favorite recipe?
8) What is your guilty pleasure?
9) What is your favorite thing about your body and why?
10) PC or Mac?
11) What celebrity do you hate the most?

Blogs I Tag:

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  1. I laughed so many times reading this. Loved it! I too think selfie pictures are so weird. I always think, "just get someone else in the picture and we won't think you're too vain."
    I also want to go take a bath right now!

  2. So am I supposed to do this now since I noticed that you tagged me? :)



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