My Dude

Our dog Dude aka Dooddlebug, Doodle and Dooders died yesterday. We had sent him to go spend the next few weeks with Brian's parents and ...

Our dog Dude aka Dooddlebug, Doodle and Dooders died yesterday.
We had sent him to go spend the next few weeks with Brian's parents and his best friend Roxy. Roxy gets lonely without Dude so he had gone on several trips back to Fredericksburg to visit her. Plus he had been chasing bikers and going on the road by our house. When we lived in Fredericksburg we had him trained not to go on the road, so we thought sending him back would help...

We aren't sure what happened exactly but Brian's parents couldn't find him last night. Then when he still wasn't back this morning Rick went looking for him. He had gone all the way down the road and unto the highway and didn't make it back :-(

Brian and I always assumed he was too smart and too fast to get hit... We were more worried about him making a biker crash or biting one.

The last people who saw him alive played fetch with him for a while. So I'm glad he at least had a good last day and got to hang out with his best friend.

Dude and Roxy

All About Dude

Dude was the first dog that I have owned since a puppy. Our friend Nate bought and named him but found that he was extremely allergic to Dude. When we decided to move from Rangely to Texas we thought Dude would love to live on a farm so we adopted him.

Dude as a puppy.

He was a tiny little pup!

Brian and Dude when we took him as puppy on a hike with us. He followed us around everywhere and he kept attacking and bug that crosses his path. It was hilarious!

I thought this picture was hilarious! This was also his favorite place to ride in the back of Brenda's truck. He would slide up between the extra gas tank and the side of the truck. I think it was because he hated sliding around.

Roxy and Dude were both puppies when they met so they bonded immediately.

Camo and Dude mostly just put up with each other, they just had a mutual love for Roxy. These last few weeks we were excited because Dude and Camo had finally started playing with each other. Also I love this picture because it shows how Dude would always take up way more of the seat even though Camo was 5 times his size!

Dude was a very smart and curious dog. He learned to sit in 5 minutes and lay in 15 minutes. We also had him trained to be nice to all the farm animals. He loved to go into the chicken coop while I gathered the eggs just so he could watch the chickens. He even loved going in with the pigs even though they would bite his tail! He would get mad when they bit him but he never bit them back.

Dude and our nephew Logan loved each other because Logan loved to throw and Duse loved to fetch.

This is Dude's fetch position. If you didn't throw it he would move it closer and closer until he had it hit you. He was obsessed! If he couldn't find a ball then he would bring a stick. If he couldn't find a stick then it was anything he could find! Even a tiny piece of trash. I even could throw stuff into our pond and he would swim out to get it.

Dude followed us anywhere we went and would whine if he couldn't get to us. He LOVED being in the house with us but shed so bad I only let him sleep in the house unless it was cold. He learned to act like he was shivering so that I would let him in the house.

The last time was saw Dude was on Valentines Day. He was in the back of the truck and we had given him the leftovers from the meal. We went to take some away from him for Roxy but he grabbed it all! We just laughed. He was used to Camo eating everything in two seconds!
Dude had tons of quirks! For instance when we first put a collar on him he would hide until we took it off. Or if we had been gone, the first few minutes when we were petting him he would make the strangest noises! Obviously there is more but I'm sure I'm the main one who cares...

We will miss you Dude!
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  1. Ah Dude, so many fun stories - the 'cone of shame' and how he shattered it still insisting that he chase balls into our bushes. The funniest thing was that collar - poor guy. He was just the opposite of "Lady & the Tramp". That collar did NOT bring him happiness.



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