Cousin Brigham's Baby Blessing

October 11th 2015 The other B.O.W. in the Weirich family was blessed by his dad on this day so we drove down to be there. It was worth...

October 11th 2015

The other B.O.W. in the Weirich family was blessed by his dad on this day so we drove down to be there. It was worth the long drive!

The whole clan who attended.

The priesthood holders.

Happy Papaw and Mamaw with most of their grandkids.

Then Adleigh enjoyed lots of cousin time! The kids and I ended up staying a few extra days because Brian's parents were driving up to Dallas on Tuesday so we drove back with them.

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  1. This post makes me sad that you are now so far away from most the Weirich cousins and Mamaw and Papaw.



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