Breydon 3 Month

August 8th, 2015 Our handsome little man at 3 months old. Weighs 15lbs, still wearing size 2 diapers, and wears 3-6 and 6 mo...

August 8th, 2015

Our handsome little man at 3 months old.

Weighs 15lbs, still wearing size 2 diapers, and wears 3-6 and 6 month clothes. 

Eyes are getting bluer: hair still red in sun. 

Only will sleep on tummy, loves his pack in play. Sometimes wants to be rocked to sleep other times just wants to be put down.

Great napper! Likes to go down about an hour after he wakes up and generally takes 2 or 3 more naps. 

Started sleeping longer stretches at night and is currently not waking up to eat until around  7 am and then goes backs to sleep..  Doesn't like to go to bed until after 10:30 pm but generally sleeps in until 9am.

Still nurses every two hours during the day but nurses really fast.

Spits up a ton, like seriously he is a fountain of spit up at least once a day. Hoping this will stop soon.

Discovered that he has hands and started noticing his feet.

Has started showing interest in toys. His favorite right now is Morty the Moose by LaMaze.

Likes baths as long as he isn't tired so bath time before bed is a no go.

Hates the car seat.

Gets scared pretty easy, doesn't like to be swung or bounced. I call him a gentle soul. :-)

 Loves being held on your shoulder. I call him my sack of potatoes.

Loves to talk to us, likes when we say "ah goo".

Has started laughing, not very often. He laughed at Callee C. first and I finally got him to laugh at me about a week later.

Discovered how to blow raspberries.

Survived his first trip to the movie theater. He was great and slept most of the time.

Went on three different boating trips! Only got one tiny sunburn spot on his nose where I must have missed the sunscreen. 

My current nickname for him is Breydonator.

The happy chubster.

His smiles are the best!

Looking quite handsome before church.

Perfect fit!

Big sister likes to hand out with him in the crib.

Trying out the chairs at Atwoods.

Hanging out at work with Mom. He is really hard to bring to work, not nearly as content as Adleigh was at work.

Trying out the new double stroller. He is not a fan.

Wearing basketball pants like Daddy!

Holding onto his favorite toy.

Breydon's first trip to the temple.

Discovering the his hands are rather yummy.

We sure love our Chunk A Monk!

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  1. Sometimes he looks so much like baby Kenna - with more chunk!



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