So I Go to Fredericksburg a Lot...

July 27th - August 2nd 2015 Once upon a time when I was a naive little girl, I promised my husband that I would make him a king sized ...

July 27th - August 2nd 2015

Once upon a time when I was a naive little girl, I promised my husband that I would make him a king sized quilt for our bed. Boy was that stupid of me, lol! Finally, before putting our house on the market, I bought all the material and got it all cut out and ready to be sewn together. Then we posted our house up for sale, then I had Mr. Breydon and the pile of material was not touched for a long time.  We were supposed to go to the coast for my father-in-law's birthday, so my sis-in-law Jessica (a master quilter) convinced me to come out early and work on my quilt. My in-laws came out to our house for the weekend and then took me back with them.

While I was quilting Adleigh had tons of fun playing with her cousins. This was her first time playing dress up. Isn't she so cute?!?

Laying out my ginormous masterpiece.

Two tired kiddos passed out on me. We were waiting for daddy to come! He worked Wednesday and then had the rest of the week off. 

After some non-stop quilting we went down to Josh and Sarah's. Adleigh got her first haircut that wasn't by me.

So beautiful! I just had enough trimmed off so that her hair looked a little thicker.

We went to this fabulous restaurant called the Grist Mill in New Braunfels. It is an old mill that has been restored and serves delicious food. It sits on a ridge overlooking the Guadalupe river. 

Adleigh and I at the restaurant.

The beautiful view.

Our eating party. We missed the memo of sending our kiddos to stay with their maternal grandma's. Course my children's maternal grandma would love to babysit them except she lives too far away. :-(

So long story short, we were supposed to go to the coast but a family friend died and there were cases of flesh eating bacteria at the coast. Soooo we had a lake day instead and rented a boat!

Brian was the master of the boat most of the day.

Adleigh wasn't a huge fan of the fast boat. She generally is on a boat that goes slower for kids.

Watching everybody waterski.

Riding in the co-chair.

Family shot. Breydon was enjoying some Mamaw and Papaw time on land.

I finally got to join in on the fun and dragged Adleigh out with me. She was really nervous after watching some of her crazy uncles get tossed off the tube.

Breydon had the best seat for dinner.

The next day we went to Hye Market. It is a sweet restaurant in the original Post Office for the town of Hye. Brian's best buddy from school is the head chef there. We got treated to a special meal in their fancy banquet area.

Outside of the building. It actually still functions as the Post Office as well.

We made another trip down to San Antonio and went and spent some time on the grounds of the temple.

Daddy and his babies.

Me and my babies.

And the family shot.

Sleeping in the king bed at Brian's parents means we get really lazy about kicking the kids out of bed. 

Brian's brother Chris asked Adleigh if she wanted to go to their church's primary activity. Little did I know that it was an hour away so I was a little nervous she would freak and I wouldn't be able to go get her. But she did great!

So I may have mentioned something about finding it funny that the Weirich boys didn't really have ab's anymore... oh boy did that open a can of worms. First they drew abs on their stomach's with marker. I need to find who took that picture. Then they decided they needed to see who had the fastest 50m sprint. Matt won since he is "not fat and married" lol. No one was willing to run long distance against Brian, I bet he would have won that!

Then we had a toddler race. It was hilarious! Kenley and Konner could care less about racing but Adleigh and Ian loved running! 

Check out that dedication! I'm pretty sure she and Ian could have run all day!
Breydon enjoyed being with Aunt Erica the baby whisperer.

Our last day there we went to church and Breydon enjoyed goofing around with Uncle Josh. Josh was practicing with Breydon for his own son who is set to arrive in November.

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