2 Month Check Up

July 14th 2015 I had to wake my sweet sleeping baby to go torture him at the doctors. I hate the 2 month appointment, it seems a lot...

July 14th 2015

I had to wake my sweet sleeping baby to go torture him at the doctors. I hate the 2 month appointment, it seems a lot harder for my babies to handle. 

Mr. Chunkers weighed in at a whopping 13lbs and 6oz. He was 22.5" long. He almost doubled his birth weight, it took Adleigh over 6 months in order to double hers. 

Smiling at his sister, so sweet! Adleigh insisted on being up on the check up table with Breydon the whole time. Also I was a slacker mom and forgot to bring him a blanket to lay on... in my defense it was 100 degrees outside.

Our tough boy got Captain America bandaids. He actually handled the shots better than the rotavirus drink. He was gagging and soo mad about them making him drink it. Silly boy!

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