Boating Again!

July 13th 2015 So we happen to live in an area full of lakes which is really wonderful except we don't have a boat. But we have lo...

July 13th 2015

So we happen to live in an area full of lakes which is really wonderful except we don't have a boat. But we have lots of friends that are lovely and invite us out to play with them. This time the Zimmerman's invited the Clowards and us out to play with them. Sadly Brian was not able to get off from work but Adleigh, Breydon and I had tons of fun!

We got Adleigh to go tubing again! I didn't think she would go on this one since she couldn't sit. 

She rode like a champ! She even handled getting the spray in her face and normally she hate getting her face wet. 

Watching the other kids take a turn.

Breydon was too little to go. :-) But he enjoyed relaxing with mom.
We put the tube out and let Adleigh and Cy play on it. We also swam around in the lake for a while, it was ver warm! The current was also crazy strong. You could jump off the front of the boat and then float to the back of the boat in about 30 seconds. Easton called it a lazy river.

Breydon got some tummy time on the boat.

A bunch of tired babies at the end of the day. Breydon enjoyed his time being spoiled by Toni since I was occupied with another larger baby...

My larger baby insisted on being held the whole ride back. We had so much fun and managed to be sunburn free!

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