Irvine Petting Zoo

July 22nd 2015 My friend Callee and I decided that we needed to take our kids to a petting zoo. Apparently Dallas is anti-petting zoos...

July 22nd 2015

My friend Callee and I decided that we needed to take our kids to a petting zoo. Apparently Dallas is anti-petting zoos because there was only ONE in the whole ginormous area of DFW and it was over an hour away from us. We decided to go anyway and have a little adventure.

Adleigh and Cy meeting the bunny.

Adleigh trying to call the goat over to her.

More goat petting. It was definitely their favorite area.

Checking out the chickens. Adleigh sure misses her chickens.

Trying to con the rooster out from under the pen. He was actually a very friendly rooster and I got to hold him several times.

The meanest petting zoo pony ever. Not sure why they would have a horse that tries to bite you at a petting zoo! But Adleigh kept her distance well and enjoyed watching it.

Breydon was there too... But really didn't care for petting anything. Ha.

The cow kept licking Zac because his hands apparently tasted like the apple he has just eaten.

The zoo also had free chalk for the kids to draw with. Adleigh was in heaven!

She put her mark on everything! She also stole the chalk bucket and had a hard time sharing with anyone. Shocker!

Chasing the ducks. The ducks didn't get the memo that they were in a petting zoo and supposed to let kids pet them. :-)

Cute girl with the donkey.

More fence climbing.

The whole group that went on our adventure.

After the zoo I decided to be a "fun" mom and take Adleigh to Chick Fil A to go play in their cool kids zone. I found the closest one and unloaded the kids. I walk in and found out there was no kids zone and actually no area to eat on the inside... weird. So instead we had to eat outside in the 100 weather. So much fun... not! Mommy fail!

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  1. Google should clearly indicate NO KIDS ZONE when locating a Chick Fil A ;{

  2. Seriously! It was the weirdest one ever! Who wants to sit outside in Texas right next to a freeway?



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