All By Ourselves

After a month of having two baby or more babysitters on hand: we were all by ourselves for the first time. My goal was to try and get out ...

After a month of having two baby or more babysitters on hand: we were all by ourselves for the first time. My goal was to try and get out at least once a day to try and keep Adleigh happy! I was pretty succesful and the adjustment to taking care of two wasn't too hard. The only thing that was hard was Wednesday nights when Brian was at Bishopric meeting and I had to put Adleigh to bed and keep Breydon happy. :-)

Going swimming in our backyard! We did this a lot, well mostly Adleigh would strip down naked and jump in almost everyday.

Adleigh was definitely naked in this picture. :-) Breydon lasted in that bouncer for about 3 minutes.

Adleigh is very helpful with tummy time. She stole his blanket and covered him with a little blanket ie. burp rag.

Callee invited us over to play on the trampoline with a sprinkler underneath it. Even Breydon got on the tramp!

Keeping Breydon cool with his wet burp rag turban while big sister plays.

Reading books to baby brother.

Our first day back at work. I was planning on quitting right away but I went back to help out with just a couple things. I lasted about another 4 months of going in 2 times a week. It is much harder to work with two kiddos!

Taking a nap at work. This didn't last long, he only wanted to nap on me at work.

We attempted to potty train... several times... we were not successful. She doesn't like to stop what she is doing to go pee. 

Tummy time cuddles!

Breydon is such a good bather. As long as he is warm, he is happy!

We call this "washing my hair like baby brother". It has created much less screaming in the bath for Adleigh. She HATES having water poured on her head.

Success! Two napping kiddos! Adleigh rarely naps now because then she is up super late and much more difficult to get to bed.

I attempted to make foam from a Pintrest pin. It didn't get really foamy... maybe because I don't have a kitchen aid and just used a hand mixer. But it lasted about 5 minutes before it was poured out.

Breydon napping at the Splash pad. He is a champ at napping wherever he has too. Adleigh and Baby Bronco joined in on the nap.

More backyard pool. This time I joined in on the fun!

We still hadn't figured out what kind of double stroller we wanted... so we just pushed two!

We also kept going to the library for story time and they had extra programs in the summer with fun guest speakers. It was wonderful because it was two free outings a week!

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  1. You adjusted really quickly from two assistants to on your own!



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