Adventures as a Big Sister

Our beautiful girl has adapted amazingly to being a big sister! I was soo guilt ridden before Breydon was born about blowing up Adleigh...

Our beautiful girl has adapted amazingly to being a big sister! I was soo guilt ridden before Breydon was born about blowing up Adleigh's whole world! But she has adjusted very well and loves her "bebe brother". It probably helps that she had lots of people around to keep her entertained while I recovered. :-)

Loving on her baby brother. She loves those pj's that he is wearing. We had to buy them in a larger size!

Having fun with Aunt Bubba!

Little copy cat!

Stuffing her shirt full of blocks. She fit them ALL in!

Trying to take my own sibling pictures... I was semi successful. 

Wrapping up her stuffed animals like babies. She calls burp rags little blankets. 

Grandma Cathy was a great help!

Baby Adleigh needed a nap.

Her Big Sister present from the doctor. She picked the pink ball but as we were getting into the car decided she wanted the orange ball but we wouldn't let her switch. The next doctor appointment she totally remembered to ask the Doctor for the orange ball. The Doctor was super nice and let her have it!

Aunt Bubba was super nice and took Adleigh out to the Splash Pad several time to keep Adleigh from being too stir crazy!

Our friends the Herrins house flooded really badly the same night our did. They ended up staying in a hotel for a while during the restoration. They invited the Clowards and us over for a swim party!

Grandma Cathy was nice and took Adleigh to story time at the library. The craft for the day was an elephant.

Going for a walk in her fabulous boots... it was definitely 90 degrees that day.

More splash pad fun with the Herrin and Clowards. They all love the swing there.

Baby Adleigh needed a baby bottle too.

We went over and visited the William's as well. Adleigh loves their cats and their grand daughter Maci.

Going on an adventure to the park. Baby brother even got to go.

Making sure that baby brother is ok.

Baby brother cuddles.

More story time with Grandma. Baby brother came this time as well.

Early morning snuggles.

Holding Breydon all by herself!

Grandpa Russell came to help too. He makes a great jungle gym.

Holding him in the bath tub is lots more complicated.

Sharing mom selfie!

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  1. Glad you documented the "baby Adleigh" stage - that was short-lived! The Bubba/Adleigh and the tongue made me giggle.



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