Breydon 1 Month

June 8th 2015 1 month old Takes great naps during the day and wake up every hour and a half at night to eat. Nurses for ...

June 8th 2015
1 month old

Takes great naps during the day and wake up every hour and a half at night to eat.
Nurses for about 15 minutes usually only on one side. If really awake then he will do two sides. Makes sighing noises while eating.
Grunts a lot in his sleep, sometimes while eating and when he is mad.
Doesn't mind tummy time but doesn't really lift his head. Lifts his head really good while on your chest. Can support his own head really well for short periods.
Really gassy!
Moved into 0-3 month clothing but can wear 3-6 month in some stuff as well.
Size 1 diapers.
Weighs 10lbs.
Still has lots of red hair and blue eyes that seem to be getting lighter.
Grabs you with his hands and kicks his legs when mad.
Cuddle bug
Very content little dude.
First time swimming you were ok with it but got cold.
Don't mind baths as long as you stay warm.
Pooped and peed all over your great grandparents hotel bed while being changed.
Travelled to Fredericksburg and Dallas.
Went to the Zoo and Drive inn Movies.

Smiles while awake.

Daddy time!

Enjoying the sunshine while we picked weeds: he had some slight jaundice.

He did not want us taking he bottle away!

First time at the park.

At his doctor appointment. 

Late night Daddy cuddles.

Sleepy smiles.

Bathing baby. Much happier in the bath than his sister was!

Sweet little dude.

Sharing mommy selfie.

We love you little man!

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