3 Months!

Our Miss Adleigh Kay is now 3 months old! This past month she has continued to develop by leaps and bounds. She constantly amazes us! ...

Our Miss Adleigh Kay is now 3 months old! This past month she has continued to develop by leaps and bounds. She constantly amazes us!

Since she didn't have a 3 month check up so we don't know her growth stats. :-( I tried to convince Brian to let me put her on one of those scales in the produce section but he wouldn't let me... So I stood on the scale at Kim's and then held Adleigh. She weighs about 13 lbs!

She is still wearing 3 month clothing as long as the opening is large enough to fit her head :-) We retired some outfits that I love because they are too hard to fit over the largeness of her noggin.

Her feeding habits have gotten much more easy to handle. She doesn't like the nipple shield anymore and seems to eat faster without it. She also goes longer between feedings: around 3 hours. She does have random bursts of wanting to eat every hour but only eats for a few minutes each time.

She is an amazing sleeper now. She rarely goes to bed before 10 but always sleeps 7 to 9 hours before waking to eat again (as long as she doesn't get cold). Then goes back to sleep until around 10.

We have taken out the blankets from her crib. This is due to her moving so much while she sleeps and we would find her massively wrapped up in her blankets and they were covering her head. So now she is in a sleep sack. Then I drape a blanket over her crib to help keep the warmth in. She moves around so much that in the mornings she is on the other side of the crib facing the opposite direction!

She is becoming more content with being put down. In the mornings while I get ready she has play time on the bed. As long as she sees me fairly often she just wiggles around cooing and shrieking. She also likes her swing if I face her while working on things.

Her favorite position that she picked up early this month is standing. She loves to stand! When she first learned how to do it her whole body would go rigid, even her arms... It was super cute! She thinks it is pretty fun when you stand her on things and she towers over you.

She also likes to be on your should so her view of the world is expanded. I love the look on her face when she is on someone's shoulder looking around. She get so intrigued!

We have also been lucky enough to get to hear some giggles come out of her. They aren't very frequent but we've gotten some good ones! She also shrieks with joy a lot :-)

I wish there was a carseat for babies that faced the window. I really think she would be much happier if she could look out the window. She whines a lot in her carseat and I think it's because she is bored. So I end up back there entertaining her... But when we are stopped places she loves just staring out the window.

Some of her "firsts" this month were first time in a boat.

First time in a lake.

First time in a pool.

First time in a bumbo... She isn't a fan she has already learned how to straighten and throw herself out of it.

First time on a horse.

First Father's Day.

She also really discovered her hands this month. Most of the pictures we take she usually is sucking on her fists. I can also tell she wants to eat her feet. She puts her hand out towards her feet and pulls it to her mouth and then looks mad when she only gets her hand.

More hand...

And my personal favorite...

Oh and she LOVES to chew on our fingers! She grabs them and shoves them in her mouth and shakes her head back and forth while grunting and biting as hard as she can. The hungrier she is the more she does this, it's pretty funny.

I'm currently working with her to get her to like toys. Anything we had she showed no interest in. So Brian and I got her some toys that she could grasp easier. Pretty much she just grabs them and puts them in her mouth.

We definitely have to work for this girl to smile. She smiles a lot but doesn't give them away freely. Strangers that try to get her to smile generally get the "Adleigh is not impressed look" (Based off Mckayla is not impressed, that US Gymnast). I find that look hilarious... It is seen in pretty much all the family shots we take.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Based On

Overall she is really a good little baby. She is very observant but a good snuggle bug! We wish she would stay little forever but are also excited to see her progress!

We Love You Squeakers!

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  1. Glad she's gotten easier for you! She is SO adorable. I love reading these posts (and you'll love it when you have another one--fun to see how they differ). Give her a big kiss from me!



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