Sunburns & Trucks

So when we came back from Utah I decided to take care of a problem I had developed... Farmer tanitis. So I threw on a swim suit top to go wo...

So when we came back from Utah I decided to take care of a problem I had developed... Farmer tanitis.

So I threw on a swim suit top to go work in our massive garden (we have 100 tomato plants plus 100s of other plants!).

After about two hours I headed in to go get a shirt back on. But right as I headed in our farrier showed up to trim our horses. I figured I would be fine for a bit longer.

We were working with the horses for 2 hours! And I was burnt!

I tried Aloe Vera with lidocaine but that didn't knock the pain. So I went to our family secret for sunburns: Preparation H.

That's right hemorrhoid cream, haha. It seriously works!

I've been slathering that stuff on me for three days and I've still been dying of pain.

Today these suckers popped up

Tons of little blisters!

I gave myself a nice little second degree burn. Awesome.

The best part is the biggest blister are where my bra strap goes. Nice and painful!

On a happier note! My husband finally got himself another truck!

We are pretty close with the Elders that are serving in Fredericksburg right now. They were teaching this guy that owns about 18 cars that he is working on. He told the missionaries that he had a truck for sale and they told us about it!

He sold it to us for a steal of a deal because he wanted someone to enjoy it!

Brian, Edward and the missionaries have been overhauling it all day to get it running in peak form.

Now we can start saving for my Diesel Passat. :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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  1. Sorry! Sunburns are the worst. And I'm adding your 'secret' to my list of future weapons.

  2. love the new truck!!!!!
    sorry about the sun burns.



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