4 Months

Adleigh learned so much in the past month! It was just like WHAM milestone after milestone! First off at 4 months she weighed 13lbs ...

Adleigh learned so much in the past month! It was just like WHAM milestone after milestone!

First off at 4 months she weighed 13lbs 15 oz and was 24 inches in length. Her head was . She got her 4 month shots which were terrible, of course. The doctor did say to keep doing what we are doing because she is progressing very well!

One of my favorite times right now with her is mornings. Whenever she wakes up she is so happy to see me. We pretty much spend about an hour in the mornings chilling on the bed because she is just so darn cute!

Her feeding habits are pretty good. She still eats every 2.5 hours but only eats for about 5 minutes. Which is really nice!

Her sleeping habits were amazing for most of her third month. She would sleep from about 9pm to 5am, eat and then sleep until 10am. HOWEVER, that changed the week she turned 4 months... And she was up wanting to eat every 2-3 hours. Apparently this "sleep regression" is a normal thing that happens around 4 months. It's due to growth spurts and cognitive development. Hopefully she will normalize back...

Also she really stunk at taking naps this past month. Anything over 15 minutes was amazing! The one really long nap this month was when we were wanting her to wake up so we could swim... But noo she slept for over 2 hours.

Right before she turned 4 months she moved from size 1 diapers to size 2. She also grew out of most of her 3 month clothes and is wearing 3-6 month clothing. The sad thing is the 3 month stuff still fit except over her head...

The girl really started to enjoy her toys this month. Her two favorites are Sophie La Giraffe seen above and the Lamaze Dolly seen in the first picture. We also bought her Morty the Moose from Lamaze but it isn't as easy to grab and shove in her mouth as the others... But Brian is hoping it will be her favorite :-)

She learned how to blow raspberries this month and occupies much of her time doing so. Thus we have even more drool than we used to... Oh well! She also laughs more now as well but her laughs are like her smiles: she doesn't dole them out until you earn them.

Adleigh wore her first pair of real shoes this month (I really stink at accessories!). She didn't seem to like them very much and kept curling her toes. I think it made it harder for her to stand!

Just after she turned 3 months she figured out how to roll. I missed the first one because I was putting something away. But Brian got to see it! We put her back on her tummy and made her do it again, lol. She won't do it all the time, sometimes she just gets mad because she's on her tummy and is too busy screaming to roll :-)

She finally figured out how to just suck on two fingers instead of her whole fist. It's so noisy when she does it though!

She also sucks her thumb now... But mostly I think she is gumming it rather than sucking.

She went on her first real horse ride with Daddy! Paranoid Mommy walked along the side the whole time, just in case. But she did great!

Someone was a terrible mom and gave Adleigh her first real sickness... She got pink eye from me :-( But she handled it well, rubbed her eyes a bit and slept a little more than normal.

Since all she want to do is stand 24/7 her Grandma Cathy got her an exersaucer. She seems to enjoy it but is still a bit short for it. She usually end up looking like this...

But is actually quite content to just sit and chew the seat. Silly girl.

We were horrible parents and gave her some solid food a little before she turned 4 months... But you could tell how much she wanted our food! So far she does not like oatmeal and loves potatoes.

They say babies have out of sight, out of mind brains until about 6 months... Not this girl. If we are at home and I leave the room she freaks! Brian is a little frustrated that she cries whenever I'm not around. But the weird thing is that if we are outside, at the store, at church, etc, she is totally fine with just him.

Her newest obsession is her feet! If she is on her back her hands are grabbing toes. This makes diaper changes interesting! It is nice though because she is more willing to be laid down while I clean.

Adleigh also thinks its pretty fun to fly. You can get lots of laughs if you hold her above your head and shake her a bit. As Grandma Faye said she likes it more rough than most babies... When you wiggle her you get way more smiles :-)

We have definitely been blessed with an extremely opinionated baby! She lets us know what she wants and when she wants it. But we love her little personality and all the joy she brings into our lives.

It's just impossible to resist the cuteness! So excited to see what comes next!

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