Breydon 2 Month

July 8th 2015 Breydon at 2 months old 13.4lbs and wearing size 3-6 month clothing.  Still has red hair and blue eyes. ...

July 8th 2015

Breydon at 2 months old

13.4lbs and wearing size 3-6 month clothing. 

Still has red hair and blue eyes.

He is still wearing size 1 diapers during the day but moving up into size 2's once I finish this last package of 1's.

Smiles at you! Especially in the mornings. 6/20/15 First Social Smile

Loves to sleep on his belly (which freaks me out!) and generally enjoys tummy time so he isn't always "productive" during tummy time. Mostly he will just lay happily there and occasionally lift his head.

Coos and goos at us, loves when we goo back. 

Still farts a ton! Sooooo stinky!

Won't take a bottle and has stopped taking a pacifier.

Wants to eat every 1.5 hours during the day and 2-3 hours at night. Randomly will do one 4-5 hour stretch.

Spits up like a crazy man!

Wants to be walked around all the time. Enjoys moving all the time.

Tolerates bath time.

Babysat twice by Callee from our ward: he loves her son Ken.

Nicknames: Monkey, Chunk, Chunk a Munk, baby brother and Adleigh calls him Buddy.

Daddy naps are the best!

See the little red hairs by his ear in this picture?

Still sleeps in his Rock n Play. 

Waiting for sister to finish playing at the library.

Breydon the Monkey Man!
I love these pj's!

He wedged himself like this while he was napping next to me. He looks so chunky!

Sleeping like a trooper at the splash pad.

1st stroller ride.
Hanging out with his friend Lily who is only 4 days older.

Happy man!

Adleigh is very helpful in making sure Breydon has lots of friends to cuddle with.

I love it when he naps on me! Give me an excuse to not clean.

Such a hunky chunk!

The beginning of the tummy sleeping... I think it helped his tummy feel better to sleep on it. Way less grunting and groaning in his sleep.

Sporting some pretty cool kicks!

We tried out the bumbo. Obviously he was a big fan.

We sure love this sweet little man!

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