Things I Want to Remember
10:55 AM
Adleigh's favorite stuffed animal to sleep with is her hippo from my Aunt Lori... but Adleigh calls it her puppy.
We love the park by our house! Adleigh would spend all day there if I let her. It is right next to the jogging trails so I have to be very careful if I am just taking her for a walk because if she sees the park then she gets very upset if we don't go.
All three of my children trying to fit into 2 seats... obviously it worked well.
Adleigh's first time having hot cocoa. It was a hit!
The cat obsession continues... This is a stray cat that lives under our storage shed. Adleigh gets really excited whenever she see it.
If Brian isn't around this is the only way that I can cook. She loves being up there and now asks to be "up high" whenever I am in the kitchen.
She really enjoys sticking things to her face.
So my child is really smart and had figured out where the keys need to go in order for the car to work... awesome.
Your child is much too observant and coordinated. Your car could be going on a drive if you're not careful ;)