Adleigh-isms Part 2
12:22 PM
Adleigh at age 2.5 years!
She is super cooperative for pictures, not! She also loves being outside. She has learned how to unlock and open doors so she escapes outside all the time. We need a back yard. |
Obsessed with Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol.
If something isn't working then she tells me that it is loading.
If something isn't working then she tells me that it is loading.
Disappeared at Great Grandpa Koneshecks's house with Lyla. We found them driving the gator (off road vehicle) out in the pasture. Lila is only 5! Crazy girls.
Flooded the bathroom by plugging up the sink to play with her floating Rapunzel toy.
"Be ky-et" aka be quiet
Dun dun dunnn! From the Croods
Love all the Adleigh stories! What a fun girl :)