Breydon's Birth Story

May 8th 2015 We scheduled Breydon to be born via c-section at 38 weeks due to his Single Umbilical Artery. We were doing weekly ultr...

May 8th 2015

We scheduled Breydon to be born via c-section at 38 weeks due to his Single Umbilical Artery. We were doing weekly ultrasounds to make sure he was still doing ok. Thanks to the SUA he had pretty much stopped growing so there was no point in keeping him in there any longer. With SUA the closer they get to term the more chance there is of them being still born. His placenta was also a stage 3 in calcification so it wasn't going to last much longer either. I had to do a c-section because our hospital doesn't allow VBACs if your first child was a c-section. I was totally fine with this since I make babies with huge heads. Lol. But seriously to me the risks of a VBAC aren't worth the "reward" of doing it the way nature intended.

My mom and sister came into town on the 6th so they could have Adleigh warm up to them before they started taking care of her. My in-laws also came up the night before since the c-section was scheduled for 8am and they didn't want to leave at 4am to get here. So we had a nice little party the night before! Ok not really but we did go eat at Applebee's.

I worked up until the day before the c-section and was actually trying to finish some work at home the night before. We also had a scheduled home showing for the next day; so I was trying to get the house as perfect looking as possible with 4 extra people staying there. I was sent to bed but couldn't sleep so I spent most of the night in the tub reading.

Last Belly Shot
I think I finally fell asleep around 2 and woke up before my alarm went off at 5:30. Brian, my mom and my mother-in-law all came with me to the hospital. I got checked in and had a fun nurse who remembered us from when Adleigh was born! We also found out that they had saved a big postpartum room for us! I was really concerned before about getting stuck in a tiny room with only one bed and a pull out couch. Brian is way too tall for the pull out couches. Once that concern was resolved I was pretty much hunky dory!

My entourage 
The next two hours were spent getting pumped full of fluid to try and prevent the post lumbar puncture headache that sometime occurs with spinal anesthesia. I was also stuck in bed because they had a monitor on the baby and for contractions. The screen showed the contractions of some of the women laboring and I had more frequent and stronger contractions than a few of them... Too bad they were pointless! But I still thought it was funny.

Partying in my hospital bed
My doctor came in and talked to us and so did an anesthesiologist. I got a little nervous at this point since I was about to have major surgery... But mostly I think I was worried about dealing with the pain after. At a little after 8am they wheeled me away, made Brian go change into scrubs and took my mom and Brenda to a spot where they could see the baby right when he came out of the OR.

My doctor came in and talked to us and so did an anesthesiologist. I got a little nervous at this point since I was about to have major surgery... But mostly I think I was worried about dealing with the pain after. At a little after 8am they wheeled me away, made Brian go change into scrubs and took my mom and Brenda to a spot where they could see the baby right when he came out of the OR.

Getting prepped in the OR was actually entertaining. The anesthesiologist, Jim Bo, was hilarious and was very excited that Bo was a possible name for our kid (Brian O'Neil but be called Bo). I think the worst part was after I got my spinal and had laid down I felt pretty crappy. Which they said is often a side effect. So I was lying there contemplating the stupid decision not to find a hospital to let me do a VBAC but then suddenly I felt fine. 

The only other thing that sucked was the spinal cause numbness above my diaphragm so I couldn't cough very well and I had a nasty cough. But coughing during surgery probably isn't the best thing to do anyway! At one point I tried to cough and the doctor laughed at me and said it probation wasn't the best time to try and cough... I'm pretty sure he was in the process of cutting me open. That would have made for a nice scar!

Anyway, they brought Brian in and had him sit next to me. They had already started cutting into me but I hadn't realized it. Which was wonderful since with Adleigh I could feel most of it very dully. I thought I was still being prepped until they told Brian to stand up and watch his son come out. Then I felt someone put lots of pressure on my belly and then pop out comes the baby. I was totally surprised Brian watched it but he said everything was so well covered that he could only see the baby come out.

Dr. Cook and the little man
The doctor then brought the baby over to me so I could see him real quick. As you can see in the picture he was pretty covered in all sorts of stuff but I remember looking at his hair and thinking it looked red. I wasn't sure though because he did have blood on him too... So I yelled at Brian to tell me the hair color. Yup slightly red! I sure hope he ends up with his Daddy's hair color.

Cleaning him up

First meeting

Mommy and baby
Once he was cleaned up and wrapped up they brought him back over to me so I could see him longer. We took some pictures and then Brian wheeled him off to the nursery. 

The doctors finished sewing/stapling me back up and sent me off to recovery. I was not looking forward to recovery because the last time I was there forever and in crazy amounts of pain. This time was great! I was in no pain and the nurses there were all my age and kept me very entertained. I did have to convince them that it was normal for me to have a heart rate in the 50's and 90/50 blood pressure. They were worried because before I had the baby my stats were 80s and 120/90 so they thought I was going to pass out. It is crazy to me how fast my stats dropped back to normal though!

Getting wheeled out of the OR.

Adleigh with Aunt Bubba. She is wearing her big sister shirt.

Looking at little brother in his bed

All cleaned up

Coming back from recovery
 Once I could slightly wiggle my toes they wheeled me and my lovely morphine pump back up to Labor and Delivery. My family was out in the hallway by the nursery so my mom got to snap a lovely picture of me returning from recovery. Then I was taken into my nice large room!

Alone time with Adleigh
They weren't finished with the baby in the nursery yet so I had some time alone with Adleigh. She came and sat on the bed with me and was excited to see Baby Brother. Apparently when she saw him in the nursery she called him baby flower, lol! 

What is this?
When they brought baby in I had Adleigh stay on my lap so we could meet him together. I don't think she really knew what to do with him but she was at least interested in him.

And just like that we were a family of 4 crazy!!!!

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  1. And Adleigh has loved Baby Brother/Flower/Bronco/Breydon ever since :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.



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