Bass Pro Shop Outing
9:00 PM
We ordered some stuff from Bass Pro online but needed to return it. We decided to make a quick trip up to the one in Dallas.
Adleigh thought this aquarium was the coolest thing ever and the fish in there were huge!
She also enjoyed this pond full of fish and turtles. She was telling the turtles hello in this picture.
But her favorite part was the outside area that had a duck couple. We stalked them all over the area.
She tried to "feed" them some of the bark but these ducks were too smart for her.
Then we went home and got to babysit Adleigh's favorite dog Mango. She loves that she is strong enough to hold her when we go on walks.
And then she made poor Mango take a bath with her.
Now I want to go to a Pro Bass Shoppe. Didn't know they had animals.